Health Justice Domains
Data & Infrastructure
The Dalio Center is committed to improving the collection and validation of sociodemographic data for our patients; and to supporting the use of that data to identify disparities in health outcomes, target new initiatives, and measure ongoing impact of health equity programs.
- We Ask Because We Care Campaign
- Health Equity Report
- Algorithmic Bias
- Measuring Equity
Clinical & Community Strategy
The Dalio Center is collaborating with our medical school partners and Hospital operations to develop new institutional projects focused on improving the quality of and access to our care.
- Social Determinants of Health
- Transplant Program
- Sickle Cell
- Vaccine Outreach
- Coordinate with NYP's Community Programs and Services
- Prevention and Education in Advanced Kidney Disease (PEAK)
- Crown Hair
- Maternal Health Programming
Research & Implementation Science
The Dalio Center will connect research experts from various disciplines to engage in community-based research that will promote equity in healthcare for socially at-risk populations.
Education & Leadership
The Dalio Center is developing our future leaders with programming that emphasizes the role structural inequities play in our health.
- Dalio Center Annual Conference
- Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program
- Responding to Emergencies and Crises in Health (REACH) Fellowship
- Book Club