
NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital

Pediatric Orthopedics

Specializing in extraordinary orthopedic care that all children deserve

Pediatric Spine & Scoliosis Care in Brooklyn

Pediatric scoliosis is a common spinal condition that affects children and adolescents in which the spine curves abnormally, resulting in a sideways "S" or "C" shape. This condition most commonly develops during the growth spurt just before puberty, affecting children between the ages of 10 and 18. The exact cause of scoliosis is often unknown, but it can also be linked to other underlying medical conditions.


Scoliosis symptoms in children

Some symptoms of pediatric scoliosis include:

  • Uneven shoulder or hip
  • Uneven waist
  • Leaning to one side
  • Back pain or discomfort
  • Fatigue or muscle weakness
  • Changes in posture

Our Approach to Conservative Care

At NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, our orthopedic surgeons specialize in both surgical and non-surgical treatments of scoliosis. Upon your child's initial visit to one of our clinics, X-rays will be taken before a consultation with one of our pediatric orthopedic physicians. We use advanced equipment to take spine and hand X-rays for bone age assessment, all aimed at minimizing radiation exposure. If you have existing images, we may ask to review them ahead of time.

Following the X-rays, a physical examination will be conducted, accompanied by an explanation of the X-ray findings and what they mean for your child's condition. Measures such as bracing, physical therapy, and dietary guidance involving calcium and vitamin D supplementation will be incorporated if needed. If a diagnosis of scoliosis is confirmed, we'll introduce supportive resources to help guide you. During subsequent visits, periodic spine and bone age X-rays will be taken, typically at intervals of four to six months, in alignment with your child’s personalized care plan.


Schroth physical therapy

The Schroth Method is a special way of doing exercises and breathing to help people with scoliosis or other spinal distortions. The goal of this method is to help fix the body's imbalances by working on the muscles inside your chest. This can help change the shape of your upper body to make your spine straighter. The goals of the Schroth Method are to make the curve(s) in your spine more stable, mobilize stiff body parts, make your posture better, teach you how to do everyday activities without hurting your back, make your muscles and nerves work better, and make you stronger and able to do more.


NYRC brace

The New York RC Brace, or NYRC brace, is a special brace designed to help people with scoliosis. It's based on methods developed by doctors Manuel Rigo and Jacques Cheneau and is made to fit each person's body to correct their curved spine. The goal is to make the spine as straight as possible using this brace. This brace works well with a type of physical therapy called the Schroth Physical Therapy Method.

The NYRC Brace is custom-made using advanced technology, and it's created to provide the best results for each person with scoliosis. It's carefully made in New York. If you're interested in getting the NYRC Brace, you can start the process at our office. We can help you with insurance authorization, and if your insurance doesn't cover this brace, we have other options that can still help control your scoliosis.

Our Locations

If you believe your child is showing signs of scoliosis, reach out to us today. Our experts are dedicated to helping your child thrive and get back to the activities they love. Make an appointment and learn more about our spine and scoliosis services .

NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital

NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital

NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital