All newly hired staff of NewYork-Presbyterian Queens receive their own personal copy of the Employee Handbook in order to better understand their rights and privileges as an employee of our institution. The Employee Handbook is designed to provide a review of Human Resources policies, procedures, and benefit programs; to promote communication and understanding between staff and supervisors; and to outline workplace expectations and guidelines.
Have Questions?
When am I eligible for vacation?
You are eligible for paid vacation after six (6) months of employment.
When am I eligible to use personal days?
You must be employed for 30 days to be eligible to use personal days.
What happens to any unused vacation/personal time at the end of the year?
You lose it! Vacation and personal time do not carry over year to year with the exception of your first year.
What about sick time, can I carry that over?
Yes! Sick time can accumulate up to 130 sick days.
What do I do if I am sick and unable to come to work?
Call your Department Head or Supervisor at least one hour before you’re scheduled to begin working. You must call in every day you anticipate to be absent due to illness.
When should I bring in a doctor’s note?
If you are absent for three or more consecutive days, you are required to submit a doctor’s note to your Department Head/Supervisor, however your Supervisor may ask for a doctor’s note at their discretion. If you are absent due to illness/injury for five or more working days, Employee Health Services must clear you to return to work.
What are the hospital's recognized holidays?
New Years Day
Martin Luther King Jr. day
President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Christmas Day
What if I am scheduled to work on a holiday?
If you are scheduled to work on a holiday, you will be paid one-and-one half times your regular pay (only non-exempt employees) and given another day off.
How do I know how much vacation, personal, and sick time I am eligible to take?
Your paycheck is designed to provide you with a complete and ongoing description of your earnings, your deductions, and your sick, holiday and vacation balances.
When do we get paid?
Paydays occur every other Thursday. Pay periods begin at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday and end two weeks later on Saturday at midnight.
Where do I pick up my paycheck?
Your Supervisor will distribute your paycheck to you.
Am I eligible to transfer to another position?
If you have been employed by the Medical Center for at least one year and you have a history of satisfactory evaluations, you may apply for transfer.
How do I apply for transfer?
You may obtain a “Transfer Application” in Human Resources and on the HR website available of the NYP Queens Intranet. Once you have completed the application along with your supervisor’s signature, you may turn it in to Human Resources and you will be placed on the transfer request list.
What happens once I am placed on the transfer request list?
Once you are on the transfer request list, you may contact Human Resources to apply for any vacant position for which you are qualified.
Employee Health Services
If I become sick, while at home, may I use Employee Health Services as my primary medical care?
No. Employee Health Services is for use only when you are at work, on duty, and become ill or injured.
What do I do if I become sick or injured while on duty and Employee Health Services is closed?
If Employee Health Services is closed, you should seek treatment at Urgent Care in the ER.
What do I do if I am injured on-the-job?
If you have an on-the-job accident, you must report this information to your Supervisor immediately. You will be required to complete an Employee Accident Report and will be seen by Employee Health Services or in the Emergency Room to evaluate your injury.
Failure to report an accident, no matter how minor, can result in the loss of important medical treatment, and possibly, the loss of benefits through worker’s compensation.
Am I entitled to a copy of my Employee Health Services records?
Yes, copies of your EHS records are available. Requests must be made at least one day in advance of when you wish to pick up, between the hours of 9:00 am-1:00 pm.
Employee Relations
How do I resign?
Employees are required to give written notice of their intentions to leave their employment. This notice should be addressed to your Department Head and should be given prior to your last day of work. The advance period must be at least as long as your annual vacation entitlement. All hospital property, uniforms, keys, etc. must be returned to your Department Head on or before your last day of work.
What is the process for jury duty?
If you receive a subpoena or notice to report for jury duty you must bring the notice to your Department Head as soon as you receive it. If you report for jury duty, you will be paid your regular rate of pay for each day of jury duty service that falls on your regularly scheduled workday.