Patient and Visitor Conduct Protocol
At NewYork-Presbyterian, our mission is to provide exceptional care to everyone who comes through our doors. We strive to meet the needs of our patients and visitors by creating a safe and caring space for all.
To help us fulfill this mission, we ask that you follow our Patient and Visitor Conduct Protocol. By doing this, we can ensure NewYork-Presbyterian continues to be a welcoming and healing space that supports our patients’ well-being.
We thank you for trusting us with your and your loved one's care.
General Expectations:
Adherence to Our Guidelines: All patients and visitors are required to observe the rules and expectations outlined below as well as those that are provided by our teams.
These apply to all individuals visiting any NewYork-Presbyterian property or engaging with our online platforms including, but not limited to, digital websites, digital apps, or social media platforms.
Respectful Communication (virtual and in person): Patients and visitors are expected to communicate respectfully with all Hospital team members, fellow patients, and with any member of the NewYork-Presbyterian community.
NewYork-Presbyterian team members are also expected to communicate respectfully with all patients and visitors who come through our doors.
- Patients and Visitors must:
- Provide accurate and complete information, to the best of their ability, regarding any complaints, illnesses, medications, or other matters relating to their health and care.
- Report unexpected changes in their condition.
- Communicate if they do not fully understand any information related to their care.
- Follow the treatment plan(s) recommended by their practitioner(s) or understand they are accountable if they refuse treatment or do not follow instructions provided.
- Fulfill any financial obligations associated with their care in a timely fashion.
- Be considerate of other patients and Hospital personnel. This includes being mindful of noise levels and the number of visitors received.
- Respect the property of others and of the Hospital.
Prohibited Behaviors:
- Disruptive or Aggressive Conduct: Engaging in disruptive, rude, disrespectful, derogatory, threatening, or aggressive speech or actions will not be tolerated. These include, but are not limited to:
- Violent, inappropriate, intimidating, and/or discriminatory behaviors
- Physical or verbal threats and/or assaults
- Sexual harassment or other similar unwanted behaviors
- Weapons: Weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited on Hospital grounds. This includes firearms, knives, blades, clubs, chemicals, or any other item that could cause harm to others.
- Filming/Recording: Due to federal and state privacy restrictions, patients/visitors using electronic devices are prohibited from recording and/or streaming sounds, video, or images of NewYork-Presbyterian staff, other patients, or visitors while on Hospital grounds. Recording of any care or treatment is not permitted by patients, their family, and visitors. This includes, but is not limited to, filming for personal or commercial use or posting on social media. Special circumstances may apply to our Labor & Delivery patients. These patients should speak with their Care Team for additional guidance on what may be recorded.
If you see or experience any behavior that goes against our Patient and Visitor Conduct Protocol, please report it to a member of your Care Team right away.
Appointment Attendance:
Patients should arrive on time for all scheduled appointments. If a patient is unable to attend, we ask that they provide as much advanced notice as possible to their Care Team.
Violation Actions:
If a patient or visitor is believed to have violated our protocol, the matter will be escalated so it can be addressed by NewYork-Presbyterian leadership. Depending on the severity of the violation, the following steps may be considered:
- Patients who engage in disruptive behavior may be asked to seek non-emergency care at other healthcare systems, although we expect this to be a rare occurrence.
- Visitors who exhibit disruptive behavior may face restrictions on visitations or removal from NewYork-Presbyterian properties.
- Failure to observe and adhere to our protocol may result in involvement of security personnel and, if appropriate, referral to local law enforcement.
We appreciate your help in keeping NewYork-Presbyterian a place where everyone feels safe and cared for. If you have any questions, please speak with a member of your Care Team.