Additional Services

Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Arrangements for an interpreter or deaf and hard of hearing services can be made by calling ext. 3074 during normal business hours. During off hours, please call the Operator “0”.


Your room is cleaned daily by a member of the housekeeping staff. If there is an issue in your room, please tell your nurse and it will be taken care of as quickly as possible.

Pet Therapy

The hospital has a pet therapy program where specially certified dogs visit patients in their rooms. If you would like a visit, please call ext. 3316 or tell your nurse.

Pastoral Care

NewYork-Presbyterian Westchester's Pastoral Care staff is available to meet the religious and spiritual needs of patients, families and staff. Usually within the first day of admission a member of the Pastoral Care team will visit with the patient to determine their religious preference and needs, and whether they can help contact the patient’s faith community. In addition to pastoral care and sacramental ministry at the bedside, patients and their guests can visit the Barbara G. Yeager Chapel on the first floor of the hospital. The chapel is always open for prayer and meditation and houses an array of scriptural resources, spiritual literature, Islamic prayer rugs and electric candles.

For support or additional information call our Director of Pastoral Care Stephen Ott at ext. 3009 or our Catholic Chaplain Fr. Gus Badgley at ext. 3199.