How is Penile Cancer Diagnosed?


A doctor will examine your penis and genital region to determine if there are any visible signs indicating penile cancer. They may inspect the lymph nodes in your groin to check for swelling or irregularities. Your doctor will also ask about any symptoms you’re experiencing and recommend additional testing to confirm a diagnosis.

These tests can vary depending on the person, but may include a biopsy. This involves the removal of a sample of tissue to be analyzed for the presence of cancerous cells. Your doctor may surgically remove the lymph nodes in your groin to see if there is any evidence that cancer has spread.

Additionally, imaging tests such as a CT scan, MRI, or ultrasound can be recommended. These tests provide doctors with detailed images of the targeted area, allowing for the detection of cancerous tissue and a visualization of tumor growth.

How is Penile Cancer Treated?


At NewYork-Presbyterian, our team of urologic cancer specialists is experienced in caring for patients with penile cancer. Treatment plans for penile cancer vary depending on the stage of the disease but can include:

  • Surgery - Surgery is the most common treatment for penile cancer, especially small superficial tumors. If penile cancer has invaded the deeper tissue of the penis, more extensive surgery may be needed to remove the tumor and lymph nodes near the penis. This is one of the rare instances in cancer care where metastatic cancer can be cured with surgery alone. Performing such an extensive operation is a specialty of NewYork-Presbyterian's urologic surgeons.
  • Radiation Therapy - This penile cancer treatment method is recommended as an alternative approach that avoids the need for partial or complete removal of the penis. Doctors use radiation therapy to target affected lymph nodes in the groin and pelvic area or after surgery to reduce the chance of cancer returning.
  • Chemotherapy - Topical chemotherapy can be used to treat cancer on the surface of the penis. This is a cream that you apply to kill cancer cells. Some men will need chemotherapy that is given by injection or taken by mouth.

At NewYork-Presbyterian, our specialists treat penile cancer by focusing on caring for your whole body, not just the cancer. Our healthcare experts recognize your individual needs and can provide a broad range of services, including care for any side effects of your treatment plan.




Penile cancer often appears in the form of a visible change in coloration of the skin on the penis, swelling (especially at the end of the penis), or sores, lumps, or rashes. Discharge with a strong odor and swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin may also indicate the presence of penile cancer.

These symptoms may result from other non-cancerous conditions, including bacterial infections or genital warts. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, unexplained pain, or discomfort in the penis, consult a doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause.

Penile cancer is rare in the United States, affecting only about 1% of men. Despite being uncommon, it is important to recognize the signs and symptoms, as well as risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing penile cancer. Factors such as age and your previous medical history, especially if you have HPV, HIV, or AIDS, can increase your risk of penile cancer.

Most types of penile cancer tend to develop slowly with the exception of melanoma, which often grows and spreads more rapidly. Since penile cancer can usually be noticed through changes in the skin on the penis, early detection and treatment are possible. If you notice any abnormalities, such as sores, rashes, or bumps, see a medical professional as soon as possible to determine the cause.

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Trust NewYork-Presbyterian for Penile Cancer Treatment

Our team of dedicated specialists at NewYork-Presbyterian is experienced in the treatment of penile cancer and understands the symptoms of patients undergoing treatment. We offer a wide variety of additional support services to ensure that patients and their loved ones have the care they need. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our healthcare experts.