If your child has been diagnosed with NAFLD, our expert pediatric care team will tailor care based on your child’s unique needs. Our goal is to manage and monitor your child’s liver condition from diagnosis until adulthood, so that any disease progression can be managed quickly and effectively.
Holistic and Comprehensive Care
We recognize that every child with NAFLD has a unique set of symptoms, circumstances, and needs. We take a holistic approach to care that considers the entire patient, including his or her physical, emotional, and social factors. We strive to partner with patients and their parents in shared decision-making, empowering them with knowledge, support, and the most effective treatment options to achieve the best possible outcome for every child.
Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Care
NewYork-Presbyterian’s multidisciplinary liver teams have a history of close collaboration among clinical specialists, including hepatologists (liver experts), gastroenterologists, geneticists, endocrinologists, cardiologists, pathologists, social workers, nutritionists, and nurse practitioners. This multidisciplinary team approach extends to the ongoing management of the liver condition throughout the childhood years.
Continuity of Care Throughout the Lifespan of the Child
At NewYork-Presbyterian, a vital aspect of our liver disease programs is continuity of care. Children who have a lifelong need for specialized care, such as those diagnosed with NAFLD, are embraced by our care teams. We understand the continuous needs of patients regardless of age and are vested in making certain that the transition from childhood to adulthood is simplified by not needing to change care teams. Our integrated care team seamlessly transitions patients from childhood through the teen years and early adulthood. When the time comes, we help our patients transition to NewYork-Presbyterian adult care practitioners.
Parents As Team Members
As a parent, only you can provide important information about your child, especially how they were before becoming ill, and how they are feeling now. You can also help other team members shape your child's personalized treatment program based on your child's physical, emotional, and practical needs. Your input is critical for making final decisions regarding your child's care and our multidisciplinary team is here to work alongside you and your family to achieve the greatest possible outcomes for your child.