Consistent with NewYork-Presbyterian’s mission, We Put Patients First, the Hospital is committed to providing our patients and their loved ones with their rights and responsibilities.

Your Rights as a Hospital Patient

You have certain rights and protections as a patient guaranteed by state and federal laws. These laws are designed to help promote the quality and safety of your hospital care. The Hospital does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, culture, disability, age, sex, religion, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, source of payment, or any other characteristic protected by law, in admission, treatment, or participation in its programs, services, and activities.

Consistent with the Hospital’s mission, We Put Patients First, the Hospital is committed to providing our patients with their rights and responsibilities. Please review Your Rights as a Hospital Patient in New York State, prepared by the New York State Department of Health, and Patient Rights and Responsibilities, which can be found in the pocket of this guide. Share this material with loved ones and friends involved in your care. If you have a question about your rights or do not understand something, speak to your nurse, doctor, social worker, or Patient Services Administration representative. Questions and concerns about rights and responsibilities may be addressed to Patient Services Administration at:

NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
(212) 746-4293

You may also contact the following agencies with your questions or concerns:

New York State Department of Health
Mailstop: CA/DCS
Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12237
1 (800) 804-5447

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Livanta Beneficiary and Family Centered Care
Quality Improvement Organization (BFCC-QIO)
1 (866) 815-5440
TTY: 1 (866) 868-2289

The Joint Commission
Office of Quality and Patient Safety
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Fax: (630) 792-5636
Under “Action Center” on the home page of the website, click on the “Report a Patient Safety Event” link.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F, HHH Building
Washington, D.C. 20201
1 (800) 368-1019
TDD: 1 (800) 537-7697

Interpreter Services and Services for the Hearing and Visually Impaired

NewYork-Presbyterian will provide communication assistance free of charge to patients and their loved ones with limited English proficiency (LEP), speech or visual impairment, or who are deaf or hard of hearing. Please advise a staff member if you require communication assistance.

Servicios de intérprete y servicios para personas con discapacidad visual o del habla

NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital proveerá asistencia de comunicación gratuita a pacientes y familiares con dominio limitado del inglés (Limited English Proficiency, LEP), con discapacidad visual o del habla, que sean sordos o tengan problemas auditivos. Si necesita asistencia para comunicarse, informe a un miembro del personal de NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.


對於英文熟練程度 (Limited English Proficiency, LEP) 有限、存在言語或視覺殘疾、耳聾或聽覺困難的任何 NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital 患者及其家人, 醫院將免費提供溝通協助。如需溝通協助,請告知 NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital 員工。

توفر خدمات الترجمة الفورية والخدمات لذوي الاعاقة السمعية والبصرية

يطيب لنا أن نعلم أي مريض لدى مستشفى (NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, NYP) وعائلته ممن يجيدون اللغة الإنجليزية بشكل محدود أو يعانون من إعاقة (Limited English Proficiency, LEP) في التحدث أو الرؤية أو كانوا أصماء أو يعانون من صعوبات في السمع، أن المستشفى سيوفر لكم مساعدة للتواصل دون أي مقابل. يرجى إخبار أحد أفراد فريق عمل مستشفى إذا كنت تحتاج إلى مساعدة للتواصل. NYP

Услуги переводчика и услуги для лиц с нарушениями слуха и зрения

Для всех пациентов NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital и членов их семей с ограниченным знанием английского языка (Limited English Proficiency, LEP), нарушениями речи или ослабленным зрением, а также для глухих и слабослышащих лиц больница будет бесплатно предоставлять помощь для общения. Если вам требуется помощь для общения, обращайтесь к персоналу NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

Service d’interprétariat et services pour le malentendants et les malvoyants

NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital propose à tous ses patients et aux membres de leur famille qui ont des compétences limitées en anglais (Limited English Proficiency, LEP), qui présentent des troubles de la parole ou qui sont malvoyants, sourds ou malentendants, un service d’interprétariat gratuit. Veuillez-vous adresser à un membre du personnel de NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital si vous avez besoin de faire appel à ce service.

통역 서비스및 청각과 시각 장애인을 위한 서비스

모든 NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital 환자 및 가족 중 영어 능력이 제한되거나(Limited English Proficiency, LEP), 언어 또는 시각 장애가 있거나, 난청 또는 청각 장애가 있으신 분은 병원에서 제공하는 의사소통 지원 서비스를 무료로 받으실 수 있습니다. 의사소통 지원이 필요하신 경우 NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital 직원에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.

Servizi di Interpretariato e Servizi per i non-udenti e non-vedenti

A tutti i pazienti del NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital e alle loro famiglie con conoscenza limitata dell’inglese (Limited English Proficiency, LEP), disturbi visivi o verbali o che sono sordi o affetti da ipoacusia, l’Ospedale fornirà assistenza gratuita per comunicare. Informate per favore il personale del NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital se avete bisogno di assistenza per comunicare con noi.

Serviços de interpretação e serviços para deficientes auditivos e visuais

Para todos os pacientes do NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital e respectivas famílias com conhecimentos limitados da língua inglesa (Limited English Proficiency, LEP), comprometimento de fala ou visual, ou que apresentem surdez ou deficiência auditiva, o Hospital disponibiliza assistência gratuita para comunicação. Avise um membro da equipe do NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital caso necessite de assistência para comunicação.

दुभाषिये की सेवाएं और सुनने में कठिनाई वाले और नेत्रहीन लोगों के लिए सेवाएं

अंग्रेज़ी भाषा का सीमित ज्ञान (Limited English Proficiency, LEP) रखने वाले बोलने या सुनने में असमर्थ या फिर बहरे अथवा कम सुनने वाले न्यूयॉर्क प्रेस्बिटेरियन NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital के कि सी भी रोगी और उसके परिवारों के लिए अस्पताल नि ःशुल्क संचार सहायता प्रदान करेगा। अगर आपको संचार में सहायता चाहि ए, तो कृपया NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital स्टा फ़ के सदस्य से परामर्श करें।

Υπηρεσίες διερμηνείας για άτομα με προβλήματα ακοής και όρασης

Για οποιονδήποτε ασθενή ή συγγενή ασθενούς του NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital με περιορισμένη ευχέρεια στη χρήση της αγγλικής γλώσσας (Limited English Proficiency, LEP), με λεκτική ή οφθαλμολογική διαταραχή ή με κώφωση ή δυσκολία στην ακοή, το Νοσοκομείο παρέχει δωρεάν υπηρεσίες διερμηνείας για τη διευκόλυνση της επικοινωνίας. Ενημερώστε κάποιο μέλος του προσωπικού του Νοσοκομείου NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital εάν χρειάζεστε βοήθεια με την επικοινωνία.

Shërbime përkthimi dhe shërbime për personat me vështirësi në dëgjim dhe shikim

Për pacientët e NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital dhe familjet e tyre me njohuri të kufizuara të gjuhës angleze (Limited English Proficiency, LEP), me vështirësi në të folur apo shikim, ose të cilët nuk dëgjojnë apo kanë vështirësi në dëgjim, spitali ofron ndihmë komunikimi pa pagesë. Nëse kërkoni ndihmë komunikimi, ju lutemi lajmëroni një anëtar të stafit të NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.


NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital 病院は、英語力に限界が ある (Limited English Proficiency: LEP) 患者、言語障害や 視覚障害、または聾者を含む聴覚障害がある患者様とご家 族のため、コミュニケーション支援を無料でご提 供してお ります。コミュニケーション支援をご希望される場合は、 NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital スタッフまでお申し出く ださい。

Dolmetscherdienste und Services für hörund sehbehinderte Personen

Für jeden Patienten des NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital und dessen Familienangehörige mit begrenzten Englischkenntnissen (Limited English Proficiency, LEP) oder Beeinträchtigungen im Sprechen, Hören oder Sehen stellt das Krankenhaus kostenlose Unterstützung für die Kommunikation bereit. Bitte wenden Sie sich an einen NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital-Mitarbeiter, wenn Sie Hilfe bei der Kommunikation benötigen.

Usługi tłumacza ustnego oraz dla osób niesłyszących i niewidzących

Dla wszystkich pacjentów NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital o ograniczonej znajomości języka angielskiego (Limited English Proficiency, LEP), cierpiących na zaburzenia mowy lub wzroku, głuchych lub niedosłyszących oraz ich rodzin, szpital zapewni bezpłatną pomoc tłumacza. Prosimy o poinformowanie członka personelu NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital w przypadku konieczności skorzystania z pomocy tłumacza.

Advance Directives

Adults in New York State have the legal right to have an Advance Directive. An Advance Directive is a type of written or oral instruction relating to the provision of healthcare when an adult becomes incapacitated. You may want to plan in advance so that your wishes about care/treatment will be followed if you become unable, whether for a short or long period, to decide for yourself. This means that you can ask for or agree to medical care, refuse treatment, and stop treatment after it starts.

The Hospital’s policy is to follow any Advance Directive, such as a Health Care Proxy, Living Will, or Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST), which complies with New York State law, provided that you give a signed copy of the Advance Directive to the Hospital at the time of your visit or admission. In the event of a medical emergency, routine medical emergency procedures will be followed unless a valid Advance Directive exists, is readily available, and provides different guidance.

If you would like more information on how to create an Advance Directive, please contact your physician, social worker, and/or Patient Services Administration, and/or request a copy of the booklet, Your Rights as a Hospital Patient in New York State, a resource developed by the New York State Department of Health. Following is information regarding four types of Advance Directives: Health Care Proxy, Living Will, MOLST, and Do Not Resuscitate (DNR).

Health Care Proxy

In New York State, individuals have the right to appoint someone they trust to decide about healthcare treatment for them if they become unable to do so for themselves. This appointed person is called a Health Care Agent.The best way to authorize another person to protect your treatment wishes and concerns is to complete the Health Care Proxy form. This allows you to appoint a Health Care Agent with whom you can discuss your wishes in advance. This form is included in the booklet, Your Rights as a Hospital Patient in New York State, found in the pocket of this guide.

Living Will

If you do not have someone to appoint as your Health Care Agent, or you do not want to appoint someone, you can also give written instructions about your specific treatment choices in advance. These written instructions are called a Living Will.

Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST)

MOLST is a New York State authorized document whereby a physician initiates an order regarding whether their patient wishes to be resuscitated or not be resuscitated (see DNR below). The form also allows you to document your preferred wishes regarding all other life-sustaining treatment. MOLST is based on communication among the patient, his or her Health Care Agent or another designated surrogate decision-maker, and healthcare professionals to promote shared, informed medical decision-making.

MOLST forms and additional information can be downloaded from the New York State Department of Health website at or

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)

A DNR order is entered by a physician to indicate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) must not be initiated as per the wishes of the patient (or the patient’s legal representatives if the patient can no longer make healthcare decisions) in the event of a cardiac or respiratory arrest.