NYM Offers Advanced Prenatal Tests For Expecting Parents
Feb 13, 2008

Natan Haratz-Rubinstein, M.D., new medical director of the Hospital's Advanced Women's Imaging and Prenatal Testing Center, meets with a patient.
Natan Haratz-Rubinstein, M.D., recently joined New York Methodist Hospital as medical director of the Hospital's Advanced Women's Imaging and Prenatal Testing Center. Dr. Haratz-Rubinstein is fellowship-trained in obstetrical and gynecological ultrasound and has published extensively on the subject. He is also board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology and is a fellow of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.
Even though most pregnancies have happy endings, it's easy to see why fears might arise: according to the March of Dimes, in the United States, 150, 00 babies are born with birth defects each year. Recent advances in prenatal testing have enabled healthcare practitioners to closely monitor growing babies and detect any potential birth defects at a relatively early stage.
Dr. Haratz-Rubinstein performs a range of cutting-edge prenatal tests for expecting parents. During the first trimester, one of the many tests he administers is a combined screening that provides parents with information about their baby's risk of having chromosomal abnormalities that can result in Down's syndrome, developmental delays or cardiac problems. "This test identifies 95 percent of fetuses who will develop Down's syndrome, said Dr. Haratz-Rubinstein. Since a first-trimester combined screening is non-invasive, the test poses no risk to the fetus.
In the second trimester, Dr. Haratz-Rubinstein can obtain an in-depth view of the fetus through a sonogram that detects genetic abnormalities and structural anomalies. By the third trimester, patients who have conditions such as chronic hypertension or diabetes and have a high-risk pregnancy or have gone past their due date can take a simple, painless test called a biophysical profile that shows whether the baby is getting enough oxygen in the womb.
Even though most pregnancies progress smoothly, the prenatal testing expertise provided by Dr. Haratz-Rubinstein can enable parents to devise the best strategy to deal with a potentially complicated situation. For instance, if an ultrasound finds that a baby has a heart condition, Dr. Haratz-Rubinstein can recommend that the parents make an appointment with the right specialist, such as a pediatric cardiologist, to plan the best treatment for their baby following the delivery. Parents also have access to a genetic counselor who can help them interpret the results of tests.
Dr. Haratz-Rubinstein will also be teaching these advanced ultrasound techniques to residents at New York Methodist Hospital. "Dr. Haratz-Rubinstein's reputation and performance are outstanding, said Vincent T. Pillari, M.D., chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at New York Methodist Hospital. "We look forward to both his excellent patient care services and his educational value to our teaching program here at New York Methodist."
To find out more about prenatal testing services at NYM, call 718-780-5799.