Division of Urology at NYM to offer Green Light Laser Therapy
Oct 29, 2008

From Left, Ivan Grunberger, M.D., chief of urology at New York Methodist Hospital and Edward Zoltan, M.D., director of voiding dysfunction/neurourology at NYM.
Most men experience a period of prostate growth in their mid-or late 40s. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the medical term for the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. If left untreated, BPH may lead to more serious complications such as bladder and kidney damage, urinary tract infections, bladder stones and incontinence. Treatment of BPH depends on the symptoms a patient is experiencing. It may include medication, surgery or other types of therapy.
A minimally invasive procedure to treat BPH is now available at New York Methodist Hospital. The Division of Urology at New York Methodist recently acquired a new high-powered green light laser that can be used to treat the condition. The green light laser uses a specially designed light source and fiber optic delivery system to immediately and gently vaporize the enlarged prostate tissue. The procedure, which is appropriate for many patients with BPH, produces the same results as those achieved from the traditional scraping and cutting of tissue.
According to Edward Zoltan, M.D., director of voiding dysfunction/neurourology at NYM, green light laser therapy "decreases post-operative symptoms, lowers the patient's risk of erectile dysfunction and has a shorter recovery period than the traditional procedure." A patient's suitability for green light laser therapy is determined on a case-by-case basis. Other benefits of the procedure include a lower risk of bleeding; patients can safely undergo the procedure while taking certain types of anti-coagulants; and in many cases, catheterization is not required following green light laser therapy. The procedure completely corrects BPH.
Symptoms of BPH may include frequent urination or a hesitant, interrupted stream of urine, said Ivan Grunberger, M.D., chief of urology at New York Methodist Hospital. The condition often interferes with the maintenance of a regular sleep pattern.
For more information, call 718-230-7788. For referral to a urologist at New York Methodist Hospital, call 718 499-CARE.