How is Barrett’s Esophagus Diagnosed?


The care of people with Barrett’s esophagus is optimized using a team of specialists. Your team at NewYork-Presbyterian will include gastroenterologists, interventional endoscopists, surgeons, radiologists, nutritionists, nurses, and others with the clinical expertise, compassion, and skills to provide the highest quality care.

Our specialists work together to provide coordinated, individualized care using the latest technologies. The most effective care for Barrett’s esophagus begins with an accurate diagnosis.

To determine if you have this disorder and to assess its severity, our doctors use the following to diagnose Barrett’s esophagus:

  • High-definition white light endoscopy. By inspecting the inside of your esophagus using a flexible tube with a camera at its tip, your gastroenterologist can see and remove abnormal tissue to determine if you have Barrett’s esophagus. You can receive an anesthetic to relax your gag reflex and may also receive pain medication or sedatives.
  • Narrow band imaging (NBI) uses a special system to capture high-resolution images of the inner surface of your esophagus. Using light of different wavelengths, your doctor can see fine features of the tissue in your esophagus and determine if it has been damaged or changed.

How is Barrett’s Esophagus Treated?


The main goal is to heal the damage to the esophageal lining and prevent the condition from progressing. Your treatment focuses on the frequent monitoring of changed cells, and may include the removal of precancerous changes before the cells turn into esophageal cancer.

Every case of Barrret’s syndrome is unique, and your treatment may include surgical, medical, and non-surgical options based on the type you’ve been diagnosed with and the symptoms experienced.

Some of the Barrett’s esophagus treatments available are:

  • Medical therapy. The mainstay of treatment for Barrett’s esophagus is the use of medications called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which block the production of stomach acid. PPIs may help decrease the chance that Barrett’s will progress to cancer.
  • Radiofrequency ablation (RFA). Our endoscopists use an advanced form of ablation (tissue destruction) that delivers heat in a precise and highly controlled manner to destroy the abnormal cells lining the esophagus. With this therapy, we can destroy Barrett’s tissue while limiting damage to normal surrounding tissue. In most patients, Barrett’s esophagus tissue returns to normal after RFA treatment.
  • Cryotherapy involves the use of a super-cooled liquid or gas to freeze the abnormal cells of Barrett's esophagus. The effect of this treatment is similar to RFA.
  • Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). Our endoscopists use this technique to remove Barrett’s esophagus nodules (raised lesions) that contain precancerous changes or early cancer. EMR may spare some people with early esophageal cancer from surgery.
  • Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) involves the removal of large areas of precancerous changes or early esophageal cancer in an outpatient procedure.
  • Surgery for Barrett’s esophagus. If you have a large or deep lesion in your esophagus, you may need surgery to remove a portion of the esophagus. The upper digestive and thoracic surgeons at NewYork-Presbyterian are highly skilled in performing the full range of surgical techniques for the esophagus and use minimally invasive approaches whenever possible, returning you to your normal activities as soon as possible.



Patients with Barrett's esophagus live approximately as long as people who are free of this condition. According to research, patients who receive a diagnosis should seek treatment and care, but overall their odds of dying from esophageal cancer are low.

True population prevalence data is very scarce, but researchers estimate that it affects 1-2 percent of the general population. The chance of developing Barrett’s esophagus for patients with chronic GERD or inflammation of the esophagus is approximately 5 percent.

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Trust NewYork-Presbyterian for Barrett’s Esophagus Treatment

At NewYork-Presbyterian, we have an array of advanced techniques to diagnose and treat Barrett’s esophagus. Using both non-invasive and surgical methods, we can detect precancerous changes or early cancer and provide treatment methods not routinely available elsewhere, such as participation in related clinical trials.

It is important to know the symptoms of Barrett’s esophagus and see a doctor when you first start experiencing acid reflux, frequent heartburn, or other symptoms associated with GERD.

Make an appointment with us today to find out how we can help you receive a diagnosis, find a treatment and improve your quality of life with Barrett’s esophagus.