- Treating Personality Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A Relational Approach, by Efrain Bleiberg, MD
- Borderline Personality Disorder, Mary C. Zanarini (Editor)
- Borderline Patients: Extending the Limits of Treatability (Basic Behavioral Science), by Harold W. Koenigsberg, MD, Otto F. Kernberg, MD, Michael H. Stone, MD, Ann H. Appelbaum, MD, Frank E. Yeomans, MD, PhD
- Understanding and Treating Borderline Personality Disorder: A Guide for Professionals and Families, John G. Gunderson, MD, Perry D. Hoffman, PhD (Editors)
- Psychotherapy of the Quiet Borderline Patient: The As-If Personality Revisited, Vance R. Sherwood, Charles P. Cohen (Editors)
- Borderline Personality Disorder: The Latest Assessment and Treatment Strategies, by Melanie A. Dean, PhD
- Borderline Personality Disorder: A Multidimensional Approach, by Joel Paris, MD
- Borderline Personality Disorder: Tailoring the Psychotherapy to the Patient, by Glen O. Gabbard, MD, Jon G. Allen, PhD, Siebolt H. Frieswyk, PhD, Donald B. Colson, PhD, Gavin E. Newsom, MSW; Leonard Horwitz, PhD (Editor)
- Treating the Borderline Patient: A Contract-Based Approach, by Frank E. Yeomans, MD, PhD, Michael A. Selzer, MD, John F. Clarkin, PhD
- A Primer on Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline Patients, by Frank E. Yeomans, MD, PhD, John F. Clarkin, PhD, Otto F. Kernberg, MD
- Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality: Focusing on Object Relations, by John F. Clarkin, PhD, Frank Yeomans, MD, PhD, Otto F. Kernberg, MD.
- “Transference-Focused Psychotherapy and Borderline Personality Disorder,” by Frank Yeomans, MD, PhD, Diana Diamond, PhD in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders: A Clinic Handbook, John F. Clarkin, PhD, Peter Fonagy, PhD, Glen O. Gabbard (Editors)
- “Personality Disorders,” by Eve Caligor, MD, Frank Yeomans, MD, PhD, Ze’ev Levin, MD, in Psychiatry, Janis Cutler, MD, Eric Marcus, MD (Editors)
- “Managing Negative Reactions to Clients With Borderline Personality Disorder in Transference-Focused Psychotherapy,” by John F. Clarkin, PhD, Frank Yeomans, MD, PhD. Transforming Negative Reactions to Clients: From Frustration to Compassion, Abraham W. Wolf, PhD, Marvin R. Goldfried, PhD, J. Christopher Muran, PhD (Editors).
- “Borderline Personality, ” by Frank Yeomans, MD, PhD, Diana Diamond, PhD, Eric A. Fertuck, PhD, in Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts, Elizabeth L. Auchincloss, MD, Eslee Samberg, MD (Editors)